Did you know that the average age of puberty onset in girls in the US is 8?

That’s about the time they are in 3rd grade.

3rd GRADE!!!!

You should try to have the talk before then, so really the conversations should start at age 7, so they know what to expect.

As a parent, I can say it seems a little overwhelming to talk to 7-year-old about boobs and pubic hair. Right?

That’s why I am writing a book, a graphic novel specifically, to tell a story about a group of friends who learn about puberty together through a series of funny conversations that also teach them to communicate with their caregivers about the changes they notice.

It’s a great way to connect with your daughter or young girl in your care who may be difficult to reach. Stories do wonders to break down communication barriers!

Below is a way for you to either keep up with book launch details and be enrolled in a free email mini-course on the science behind puberty that we have figured out so far. Shockingly, there is still a lot we don’t know or have not bothered to research, and those are the types of things I would like you to be aware of.

The types of things that many parents want to know AFTER menstruation has started in girls will be part of my second book. It will focus on topics such as: why every girl should become intimately familiar with her cycle, how to track it, the fluctuations in temperature, types of discharge that are normal, those that are not, how to track ovulation, and most importantly, learning natural family planning without birth control.

However, I do cover all of these things in my free email course. To be honest, most of this stuff I learned while trying to get pregnant, and I was a little miffed no one ever taught me this stuff before then. So, you may learn something new about yourself if you are a woman 🙂


In The Pink Notebook, you’ll also learn about the Yellowberry Box. Yellowberry is a company that was started by a High School girl who wanted to make age-appropriate bras for young girls, specializing in “First-Bras.” Yellowberry does their best to make it a good experience, and the packaging makes it look extra-special. I highly recommend checking them out!

Hope to see you on my email list!


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