My surprise face

Hi! I’m Jennifer Little-Fleck. You can call me Al. OK, Jennifer is cool, too.

The short version of About Me:

I’m a medical writer who likes to tell personal and sometimes embarrassing stories to teach about our amazing bodies. I have a BS in molecular biology and a Ph.D. in imagination. Just kidding. I don’t think there’s such a thing, but if there was, I might get one.

And then I would beg to write for a Star Trek series. I should just beg for that now. I’m getting off topic.

Who is my page for?

The everyday person that just wants to learn about their bodies through fun stories…or just stories…

… like the time I actually asked a question on Day 1 of Bio 101 at the University of Pittsburgh that had 300 kids laughing. At me.

That tends to happen to me a lot, so it should make for some interesting podcasts! What can I say? I like asking unusual questions out loud. Makes for good entertainment I’m told!

I try not to use a lot of medical lingo, but talk about things in a way that even kids can understand. So if you’re someone in the health and fitness industry, you’re probably not going find this appealing unless you just want to listen to my awesome voice (gag) and learn my embarrassing stories or hear about my journeys in learning my craft.

My son, who is 11, is already mortified about the FART episode, yet still slightly excited about helping me out from time to time. We’ll see how that goes…but I’m feeling a burp episode, too. Both of my kids are excellent at that!

Why am I doing This?

I love love love writing about biology.

I have the best job in the world as a medical writer – I get paid to be a professional student and write about everything new, exciting, and the stuff that was science fiction years ago…like gene therapy—actually changing your DNA make-up…like testing cancer for specific genes that tell you how likely it is to get really bad, or come back…like testing your DNA to see how long your body thinks it will live. All kinds of neat things.

Naturally, I get lots of questions about things from friends and family regarding things I’ve learned. Some of these things have really helped my friends/family—and I thought—maybe other people might like these basic explanations and useful tips? So here we are.

I hope you find this useful and entertaining, and don’t forget you can always ask me a question! Silly questions encouraged.